welcome to our ministry

young adults

Community Building

Thursday @ 7 pm

When a fire is contained, it dies because it can’t breathe. When it’s free, however, it touches everything and grows. God desires for us to be a free fire, sparking others to be on fire for Him.

Age 18+


Education Building

Sunday @ 10am

In Fire Youth, your child will enjoy engaging bible lessons, active “hands-on” creativity, and play in addition to loads of fun with friends. All of this happens in a welcoming environment that keeps their safety as our highest priority.

Age 5-12


Education Building

Sunday @ 9am

No matter what your story is, we believe that with God as the foundation, every person can write a story of hope and success. Join our men’s group to grow in your faith and share the journey with others.

Age 18+



Domingo @ 1 pm

Por muchos anos, Dios ha puesto una carga para la gente de la cuidad de Compton en el corazon del Pastor Anderson. Esta carga es en compartir la palabra de Dios. Reconociendo los necesidad de los cambios en nuestra comunicad, juntos con el comitimiento en compartir la palabra de Dios, nuestro Ministerio Hispano a nacido. Pastores Hector y Alicia Perez cordinan el ministerio.


Church Parking Lot

2nd Saturday @ 10 am

Evangelism/Outreach Department serves as a vehicle to implement the Tower of Faith’s Mission to; Save Souls, Build Lives, and Impact our community. We serve as the outreach, reaching outside the church walls to introduce Christ the Savior to a dying world. See link below for events posted.